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Bladder cancer survival rates are often used by physicians as points of reference when discussing patient outcomes. While many patients are understandably interested in survival statistics, it must be emphasized that this information is based on past outcomes of bladder cancer patients with vastly different circumstances. Because there is no such thing as an "average" patient, the survival rate cannot be applied to any one individual. Therefore, to obtain the most accurate information, a patient is encouraged to speak with a physician who is familiar with his or her unique case.

In general, bladder cancer survival rates are expressed in terms of years. For example, the five-year survival rate refers to the percentage of patients who live five years or longer after being initially diagnosed. Significantly, in order to calculate the five-year survival rate, researchers must evaluate data relating to patients who were diagnosed with bladder cancer at least five years ago. Since then, much has been learned about bladder cancer, and new and better treatments have been developed – treatments to which the patients of five years ago did not have access.

Additionally, certain lifestyle factors can influence bladder cancer survival rates. For instance, to improve their prognoses, patients are advised to:

  • Stop smoking
  • Limit consumption of fried foods, red meats and alcoholic beverages
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Reduce stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly

Research about the causes and treatment of bladder cancer is ongoing, and the knowledge base continues to grow. At Moffitt Cancer Center, we take a systematic approach to both providing patient care and conducting research initiatives. As we enhance our understanding of the multiple pathways that lead to cancer initiation, promotion and progression, and how those pathways interact, we continue to develop targeted therapies that will improve cancer outcomes while optimizing the quality of life of our patients.

check mark symbol Medically reviewed by Scott Gilbert, MD, Genitourinary Oncology Program.

If you have questions about bladder cancer survival rates, you can consult with the renowned team of experts in Moffitt’s Genitourinary Oncology Program without a referral. To schedule an appointment, call 1-888-663-3488, or access our convenient new patient registration form.