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Arnold Etame, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon and research scientist in the Department of Neuro-Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center, discusses how socioeconomic status can impact cancer treatment for patients of diverse backgrounds.

Dr. Etame speaking with a team of doctorsThe societal and economic standing of patients with cancer influences their access to resources and affects their ability to receive care. It's important to acknowledge that patients residing in specific regions may encounter challenges in accessing high-quality resources for cancer treatments because of their socioeconomic status, he says. Notably, the lack of insurance coverage for many cancer treatments diminishes the likelihood of individuals seeking timely medical attention and undergoing routine cancer screenings.

Watch the full interview with Dr. Etame.  

The Department of Neuro-Oncology at Moffitt has established the Diversity, Respect, Inclusion, Value and Equity in Neuro-Oncology (D.R.I.V.E.N) initiative which is designed to reduce health disparities in minority patients by facilitating access to world-class cancer care. The key benefits of the initiative include: 

  • Enhanced access to a multidisciplinary team of experts
  • Early access to innovative treatment such as clinical trials
  • World-class cancer care irrespective of patients’ socioeconomic status
  • Professional language services to patients with diverse language and communication needs.

If you'd like to refer a patient to Moffitt Cancer Center, complete our online form or contact a physician liaison for assistance. As part of our efforts to shorten referral times as much as possible, online referrals are typically responded to within 24 - 48 hours.