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GI Oncology team members at PanCAN

Dr. Pamela Hodul and her team from the Gastrointestinal Oncology Program attended the PanCAN PurpleStride Tampa Bay event on Saturday, April 27.

This gathering unites pancreatic cancer survivors, families, caregivers, researchers and community supporters for a meaningful day. Activities included refreshments, a tribute wall for heartfelt messages, a photo booth to capture cherished moments and an uplifting opening ceremony preceding the event’s walk, honoring the collective effort to combat pancreatic cancer. The event raised more than $347,000 for pancreatic cancer research.

The GI Oncology team at Moffitt is dedicated to advancing the prevention, early detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer. We aim to attain the best possible outcome while minimizing side effects and maximizing quality of life. For this reason, Moffitt's pancreatic cancer survival rates surpass the national average by four times the national average.

The Right Diagnosis. Right Away.

If you've received an abnormal test result that could indicate cancer, request an appointment with our Gastrointestinal Oncology team today. Moffitt's diagnostic experts will perform the tests needed to diagnose or rule out cancer so you can know for sure. 

Moffitt has the highest quality imaging technology and uses the least invasive testing procedures to give you accurate results. 

Request an appointment

If you are experiencing symptoms that might indicate pancreatic cancer, please talk to your primary care physician to discuss your risks and testing options.