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What is the stomach cancer survival rate?

The stomach cancer survival rate is a statistic that is commonly used by medical professionals as a general guideline when discussing patient outcomes. It is important to keep in mind that this information is not a prediction; rather, it is an estimate of what is possible. No medical professional can predict a patient’s outcome with absolute certainty.

With that said, some stomach cancer patients find it helpful to learn as much as they can about their condition, including the survival rate and other statistics on the effectiveness of various treatments. For interested patients, the best source of information is always a physician who is familiar with their unique situations. Such a physician is in the best position to discuss the patient’s prognosis and explain the significance of any available statistics.

Depending on the diagnosis, the survival rate numbers can vary based on early, intermediate and advanced stages. On average, Moffitt’s stomach cancer treatment survival rates are nearly 2.5 times the national average. 

Before discussing the stomach cancer survival rate with a patient, the multispecialty group of gastrointestinal cancer experts at Moffitt Cancer Center will first consider many factors that could influence the patient’s treatment and outcome. For instance, a patient’s prognosis can be influenced by:

  • The type and location of the cancer
  • The stage of the cancer
  • Whether the cancer has spread
  • How the cancer responds to treatment
  • The patient’s age and general health

Within this context, the Moffitt team will then look at research results collected over many years, focusing on the statistics related to groups of people whose situations were most like the patient’s. Even so, a patient must remember that the survival rate can change, especially if treatments prove to be successful or new treatments become available.

If you have questions about the stomach cancer survival rate, call 1-888-663-3488 or schedule an appointment online. No referral is needed to consult with our oncologists specializing in stomach cancer.


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