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When it comes to cancer treatment, one size does not fit all. The journey to beating cancer requires more than medical expertise. It demands a collaborative approach that considers each patient's unique physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, considering the whole person and their health history, not just the diagnosis.

In Tampa, Florida, Moffitt Cancer Center embraces a comprehensive approach to treating cancer patients. Beyond its leading edge treatments and world-class physicians, Moffitt embraces the philosophy that addressing a patient's entire journey, from diagnosis to survivorship, is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes. It’s why Moffitt’s cancer outcomes are up to 4x the national average.

Comprehensive Care at Every Stage

From diagnosis through treatment to survivorship and beyond, Moffitt provides patients a seamless and integrated care experience. By offering an array of specialized services, including radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies, clinical trials, and other novel therapies, and through partnering with their community provider, Moffitt develops treatment plans that are uniquely tailored to each patient, using innovative treatments to find the best plan accounting for the patient's cancer as well as their quality of life during treatment and after cancer. 

Each of Moffitt’s programs has a multispecialty tumor board that meets weekly, ensuring that each patient’s case is collaboratively reviewed by a team of professionals from all areas of expertise, including surgeons, radiation oncologists, nurses, pathologists, radiologists, medical oncologists, supportive care and other specialists. The collaboration among multidisciplinary teams ensures we consider every aspect of a patient's health, and how they are responding to their treatment, promoting comprehensive care that extends far beyond cancer.

One example of this is our Supportive Care Medicine Program, which focuses on patients' physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, seamlessly integrated into their cancer treatment plans. This may include healing and wellness services, advanced care planning, behavioral medicine, integrative medicine, palliative care, and more.

Patient-Centered Approach

Moffitt's patient-centered approach lies at the heart of our philosophy. Every patient is unique, and their treatment should reflect that. 

Even though cancers may be found in the same areas of the body and look the same under a microscope, they can behave quite differently. The variation in response to treatment often reflects changes found in the DNA of the tumor, which is why we often use personalized medicine to develop and identify specific DNA alternations in the tumor to determine an individualized treatment plan designed for each patient’s cancer.

We support the whole patient through dedicated programs for patient subgroups, including the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) program designed for patients aged 15-39, providing counseling, educational and vocational assessments, peer support, genetic testing, and fertility preservation. It also includes our Senior Adult Oncology program for patients age 70+, who make up more than half of all cancer patients. Our Senior Adult Program oncologists are highly trained to apply cancer management to senior patients taking into account their specific goals,  health, and concerns specific to senior patients.

Additionally, Moffitt provides physical and emotional well-being opportunities for all our patients. Our art therapy and complex cellular therapy exercise programs allow patients to experience the therapeutic benefits of arts and exercise alongside treatment. 

Emphasis on Emotional Well-Being

Cancer affects not only the body but also the mind and spirit. Moffitt understands the emotional toll that cancer can take on patients and their loved ones and provides various support services, including counseling, support groups, mindfulness programs, education sessions and events, and integrative medicine. These offerings aim to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, fostering emotional well-being and promoting a positive outlook during treatment and beyond. 

Programs are available for patients and caregivers, and genetic counseling is offered to family members who want to understand their cancer risk. 

Supportive Survivorship Programs

Surviving cancer is a milestone worth celebrating, and Moffitt continues to support patients even after treatment ends. The center offers survivorship programs that focus on helping individuals transition to a life beyond cancer. These programs address the challenges survivors face, providing resources for physical rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and guidance on healthy lifestyle choices. By nurturing patients with ongoing care as they transition into survivorship, Moffitt promotes long-term wellness and enhances the quality of life post-treatment.

Empowering Cancer Patients With Holistic Care

From emotional and physical well-being services to family and caregiver support, cutting-edge research, and survivorship programs, Moffitt is more than equipped to provide the best quality care throughout the continuum of the cancer journey.

By referring patients to Moffitt, you provide your patients with a partner that understands the complete cancer journey and strives to provide the best outcomes possible. We make it easy to refer via our online form and physician liaisons, online referrals are typically responded to in 24-48 hours. We believe in the power of collaborative care and, after referral, keep referring providers updated on patient progress so we can support each patient from all angles on their path to survivorship.