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Caregivers meeting over coffee

Caregivers can be spouses, family members, friends, or even a close neighbor. As a caregiver, you are an integral part of the team.

Moffitt is based on the core concept of Patient and Family-Centered Care which in short is a partnership between you, the patient and the medical treatment team. As part of the team, you will help coordinate the patient’s care. That said, you must also make sure you are taking care of yourself.

Caregiving can be exhausting and emotional. Many caregivers often find themselves putting the well-being of the patient before his or her own.

At Moffitt, we offer many services, support groups and other specialty programs for those who are taking care of a loved one with cancer. Learn more about these services below.


  • Patient & Family Library

    Need to unwind between appointments? The Patient Library & Welcome Center is a hub for healthcare information, support and hospitality. 

    Connect with Moffitt experts virtually and learn helpful information on caregiver tips, nutrition, stress management, clinical trials, managing treatment side effects and more.

  • Lodging

    If you need to stay around Moffitt for a night or two or even longer, we have partnered with several hotels and apartment complexes around the area. Learn more about the options available, including special pricing on hotels. 

  • Arts in Medicine

    Write a poem, request a bedside visit, create or adopt a healing origami crane, listen to one of our talented musicians and discover how Arts In Medicine has become a valued part of the fabric of the patient-and-family-centered care experience.

  • Healing and Wellness

    Emotional, mental and spiritual influences are just as important for the caregiver as they are for the patient. Our integrative medicine services include yogamassage therapyacupuncture and meditation. (Some associated costs may be applied.)

  • Genetic Testing

    Wondering about genetic testing for your loved one? We offer comprehensive genetic risk assessment services through genetic counseling. A patient can meet with one of our board-certified genetic counselors who can provide an assessment for inherited cancer risk in the patient and their family.

  • Calendar of Events

    Check out the host of events taking place around or in conjunction with the cancer center.

  • Patient and Family Orientation

    Our patient and family orientation sessions serve as a useful guide on how to partner with your care team, connect with supportive programs/services and find your way around Moffitt. In person and virtual sessions are available and you do not need to be a new patient to attend. Sign up to attend a session.

  • More Resources

    Find more caregiver resources online, in our Endeavor news site and Taking Care of Your Health articles.

    We are also committed to providing health education to our community. If you would like more information, visit our Community Outreach, Engagement, and Equity section. 

Patient & Family