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Dr. Elsa R. Flores is recruited to Moffitt Cancer Center as Leader of the CBE Program


A recent clinical trial in castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer led by Drs. Robert Gatenby and Joel Brown has shown that adaptive therapy more than doubles time to progression as well as reduces cumulative drug dose by 60% (Nat Commun, 2017).


ETB Tumor Board - a first-in-kind platform to discuss the design and efficacy of adaptive therapy and clinical trials, and to discuss patient responses to ongoing adaptive clinical trials.


T32 – Integrated Program in Cancer and Data Science is awarded to train postdoctoral fellows working at the interface of cancer biology and data science.


  • Dr. Florian Karreth’s group built 12 clinically relevant melanoma genotypes composed of combinations of four driver alleles - BrafV600E, NrasQ61R, Pten loss, and Cdkn2a loss by generating “speedy” mouse models. This work is valuable for human-mouse cross-species comparisons and for co-clinical trials of existing and novel targeted therapies. Dr. Karreth Laboratory, Can Res, 2020.
  • Long non-coding RNAs regulated by TAp63 were identified as biomarkers of cancer progression across a broad range of tumor types, including breast, lung, melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancers, all of which contribute to the substantial cancer burden in our catchment area. Dr. Flores Laboratory, Nat Comm, 2020.
  • Prostate cancer (PCa) progression was modeled using a multiscale mathematical model that integrates data from biological and pathology findings on the microenvironmental regulation of PCa cell behavior. Using this model, they found that interactions between tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment shape the evolutionary dynamics of PCa and explain tumor aggressiveness. Dr. Anderson Laboratory, Nat Ecol Evol, 2020.  


  • Nrf2 regulation of GCLC has a GSH-independent, non-canonical role in protecting cancer cells against ferroptosis by maintaining glutamate homeostasis under conditions of cystine starvation in lung cancer. Dr. DeNicola LaboratoryCell Metabolism, 2021.
  • CBE has 23 R01 equivalents totaling $9.6 annual direct costs and 656 publications over the last 5 years.
  • CBE has 19 team science grants, including 3 MPI R01s, a U54, 5 U01 grants, and a T32 training grant.
  • Lung Cancer Metabolism Working Group (LCMW) was awarded a P01 entitled "Identifying metabolic vulnerabilities in lung cancer."

Cancer Biology and Evolution