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  • Elsa Flores, PhD is awarded FBRP/Florida Cancer Innovation Fund.
  • Florian Karreth, PhD is awarded NIH/NCI R21.
  • Gina DeNicola, PhD receives Research Educator of the Year Award at the annual Faculty Appreciation and Recognition Ceremony.
  • Florian Karreth, PhD is awarded ACS-RSG Supplement.


  • Paul Stewart, PhD is invited to serve on the US HUPO Advisory Board.
  • Moffitt Research Education & Training office hosts a lecture, “Strategies to reprogram myeloid cell-mediated immune suppression in cancer hosts,” and reception for Paulo Rodriguez, PhD, recipient of the Researcher of the Year Award for 2022.
  • Xiaoqing Yu, PhD awarded Faculty Member of the Year at the 2023 BBSR Annual Awards.
  • Janine DeBlasi, PhD (DeNicola Lab) successfully defends her Doctoral Dissertation “Distinct NRF2 Signaling Thresholds Mediate Lung Tumor Initiation and Progression.”
  • John Cleveland, PhD joins the AACR Cancer Centers Alliance Steering Committee as Subgroup Chair: Basic and Translational Research.
  • Chang Jiang, PhD (DeNicola Lab) promoted to Faculty in the Department of Molecular Oncology.
  • Paulo Rodriguez, PhD is appointed Chair, Department of Immunology  & Co-Leader, Immuno-Oncology Program.
  • Nathan Ward, PhD (DeNicola Lab) promoted to Faculty in the Department of Metabolism and Physiology.
  • Gina DeNicola, PhD is appointed Leader of the Developing Metabolism Program.
  • EAB Retreat hosted by group at Armature Works in January 2023.
  • EAB Retreat & P01 Workshop hosted by group at Armature Works in January 2023.


  • Elsa Flores, PhD is appointed Associate Center Director, Basic Science
  • Paulo Rodriguez, PhD receives W. Jackson Pledger Researcher of the Year Award.
  • Brooke Fridley, PhD is awarded the first R01 equivalent.
  • P01 Workshop hosted at the Epicurean Hotel in September 2022.
  • Internal Advisory Board meeting hosted virtually in January 2022.
  • External Advisory Board meeting hosted virtually in January 2022.


  • Group receives notice of award – P01 Grant.